We have all needed internship mentors during our student years, and it took us time to feel legitimate in passing on our knowledge. However, we believe it is important to support this promising younger generation.
Because they have also contributed to the growth of Clos des Rocs, we want to pay tribute to them.
Thank you to Gilles, a workaholic insomniac cardiologist at a university hospital and a wine enthusiast, capable of earning a viticulture degree by correspondence during the 25th and 26th hours of his day.
Thank you to Guillaume, “the damage is done,” an Ardéchois with a fitting name.
Thank you to Mathieu, already very active and lively at the family estate in Davayé.
Thank you to Charlène, the brave one, remarkable in her determination and tenacity; returning to school after ten years of experience in the vineyards—respect.
Thank you to John, the photographer, well on his way to embracing a winemaking career... Many of the photos on this site are his work.
A special thanks as well to the harvesters, whom we look forward to seeing each year.